
Muladhara is the first chakra.

While you can find here a more accurate description, this post is related to the concoction I've infused into the video.


This will be something in common between al practices, yet I'll explain on every video.
The base technique is sama vritti pranayama, or "life breath control". It consists in four phase, inhale hold exhale hold, each with the same duration. I've used a difficult increasing swing, from five second to fifteen second. 
Be relaxed, accept its difficulty and don't push yourself too far. If you find the breathing technique too hard, please practice it alone befor trying again this one.


Those are all related to Muladhara emotions, and created with random seeds fractal generated during meditation.

The emotion set is related to physical joy of life, material plan bonds, survival instinct, basical life impulses.




Far travel


I am power



The base soundtrack is a free recording in the middle of a forest. Then there's a binaural track mixed, based on DO, the musical note related to this chakra. 
Off frequencies varies from rem stimulation frequencies to meditation and relax (delta, theta, alpha).

Be sure to use some good headphones.
